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The Grenoble Alpes Cybersecurity Institute aims at undertaking ground-breaking interdisciplinary research in order to address cybersecurity and privacy challenges. Our main technical focus is on low-cost secure elements, critical infrastructures, vulnerability analysis and validation of large systems, including practical resilience across the industry and the society. Our approach to cybersecurity is holistic, encompassing technical, legal, law-enforcement, economic, social, diplomatic, military and intelligence-related aspects with strong partnerships with the private sector and robust national and international cooperation with leading institutions in France and abroad.


Instructions to authors

Please don't forget  to mention the following in your articles:

"Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide de l'Etat gérée par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du programme "Investissements d'avenir" portant la référence ANR-15-IDEX-02"


"This work is supported by the French National Research Agency in the framework of the "Investissements d’avenir” program (ANR-15-IDEX-02)"



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Key words

Diagnosis PQC Accès sécurisé Emulation EMFI Risk analysis Deobfuscation Risk assessment Micro-architecture BBICS Reliability Automated test environment GDPR Automated verification Hardware performance counters Architecture de défense Fault injection Microarchitecture Access tokens Security Asymmetric Cryptography Reverse engineering Authentication Security and privacy Attacks Symbolic execution Hardware security Behavioral Model Dynamic-symbolic execution Source code static analysis Obfuscation Zero-knowledge proofs Fault attacks ICS Secure Access Fault injection robustness evaluation X-Ray Artificial Neural Network ASCON Address randomization Asynchronous logic Laser fault injection Opaque predicate Ring oscillator RO Fault injection attack Industrial systems Biasing Fault detection AES low-cost hardware Puzzle Système de contrôle-commande industriel ADCs IT Privacy Automates programmables Blockchain Automated reasoning Asynchronous circuit AEAD Simulation IEEE 1687 Cybersecurity Physically unclonable function PUF Masking Malware Asynchronous design Cybersécurité ANALYSE DES RISQUES Authenticated encryption with associated data Safety Fault model Artificial Intelligence Automated Test Environments BIST SCADA Encryption Multiple fault-injection Behavioral based-IDS Clock glitching Adaptive Attackers FPGA OT Card-based secure two-party protocols Code analysis Side-channel Attack-Tree analysis Machine learning Approche par Filtres Allan variance Authorization Aging Secure access WooKey bootloader use-case Detection Anonymisation Mutual information Approche Filtre Deep learning Countermeasures IoT